All the little things we did are going to make a difference to our future generations
At Fitness Zone, caring for the community is one of our core values. We also recognize that it is our duty to create a platform for our members to engage in more worthy causes. That is why we have been driven to work in partnership with local people and organizations to hold various events and campaigns with a view to enhancing public awareness of the importance of creating a sustainable environment for all.
From a humble start in 2007, members and staff of Fitness Zone have been engaging in a number of activities that serve a wide range of individuals. We have also made donations to provide relief and recovery to the vulnerable who are clinging to survival in the wake of natural and human disasters.

Vision without action is just a dream. Action without vision is just a waste of time. Vision with action can change the world!
Fitness Zone constantly strives to organize a diverse range of community activities to raise awareness on social responsibilities. We hope through these activities, we’ll grow together, both physically and spiritually, and appreciate life. It is always the little thing that we do and the small step that we take which is going to make a BIG DIFFERENCE!
Together, lets MAXIMIZE our efforts to help tens of thousands as they move from despair to wholeness. When more members come together, far more can be accomplished than one individual could have ever achieved independently. These efforts take work, labor and commitment but it is all worth it.
We have been so privileged and blessed to be able to live and co-exist with the wonders of the nature. However, the Earth is heating up daily. If this continues, it will reach a point of no return, bringing with it catastrophic CLIMATE CHANGES! While damage to the environment is already done, it is never too late to heal it by controlling the damage.
In line with the worldwide campaign to tackle against bag pollution, with effect from 2009, Fitness Zone has been advocating for no plastic bag and encouraging our members to use the special edition reusable FZ Recycle Bag.
It is always the little thing that we do and the small step that we take which is going to make a BIG CHANGE!